EPABX, which stands for Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange, is a telephony system that serves as a private telephone network within an organization or business. EPABX systems facilitate internal communication between employees within an organization and also provide external communication with the outside world through the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

IPBX, or IP Private Branch Exchange, is a telephony system that uses Internet Protocol (IP) technology to manage voice communication within an organization. Similar to traditional Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems, IPBX systems offer advanced features and the flexibility to handle voice and multimedia communication over IP networks.

IPBX systems provide organizations with advanced communication capabilities and the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs. The choice between traditional PBX and IPBX often depends on the organization’s size, budget, and technology infrastructure. IPBX systems are well-suited for businesses looking to leverage the advantages of VoIP and unified communications for improved collaboration and efficiency.

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